October 20, 2013

Celebrating Halloween This Year

Oh my goodness! I'm slipping! I haven't been blogging. This past week hasn't been too eventful. Sometimes I feel it is difficult to keep an ongoing blog when nothing is going on. Then I realized something. Posting everyday is great and all, but what I am trying to avoid is posting for no real reason. I really don't want to post just so I can post something everyday. I realized that it's okay to have some time gaps between posts because in the end what really matters are the contents. It's really important that the words come from the heart, that they are real. Because if what I am posting isn't true then what is the point of posting? Sure, I will have a website and perhaps even some readers, but it would be full of lies. It would mean nothing. In the end, all I would really be fooling is myself, and that's not what I want.

After taking an unintended hiatus, and for that I do apologize, there are a few things I want to blog about. This friday we came over to our friends Josh&Jessica's place for a Halloween party. We were Mario, Princess Peach, and Toadette. So the main reason why I didn't blog this past week was because I had been busy making our costumes. Taking care of Maylee, making the costumes, and doing stuff around the house left me with no time to think about how I felt the days went and just reflect within myself. But anyhow, I really enjoyed friday night. There were some friends who I didn't think would be there, and met new people too. Too bad we didn't get to take pictures of everybody. I suppose we were just having a blast that we forgot to take a group photo. We tried taking some pictures with Maylee, but she wasn't having it, so you guys get a family picture of us with a fussy baby. I figure I'll post a picture of her not-so-perfect Toadette costume too. I had her wear a pink onesie and put the vest on top of it.  I didn't finish her hat. I wish I had time to put the pigtails in there. If we end up going to another party then maybe I'll just finish it. Oh, not to forget! The food was delicious. Everyone took a part bringing in a dish/snack so there were tons to eat. Good friends and good food. Who wouldn't enjoy that, ha! 

Cassandra and Tom came over around lunch time today and we got some pumpkins from the nearest Pumpkin Patch. It was super hot outside. It didn't help that I couldn't find my shades either. I was getting a headache. Ugh! After we picked and paid our pumpkins we stopped by Greek Style Chicken and got some food for lunch. Their food are delicious! If you live nearby one, you should try them out

This is our first time carving pumpkins (except for Cassandra) so I was really worried how my pumpkin is going to turn out but it wasn't really that bad. My hands were hurting after all the work. I think I was holding the tools too hard that my nails were pretty much digging in my skin. Well, they were leaving marks on my skin. Yes, it was a little tiring to transfer the pattern onto the pumpkin and I did take a few little breaks in between, but I couldn't wait to see the final product. It's what kept me going! I did a pumpkin for Maylee. I decided to make a witch Hello Kitty for her first pumpkin. It was going to be Tinkerbell but the pattern I printed out was too big for her small pumpkin. I guess that's going to have to wait. That's one less thing I have to figure out next year! Terry and I did the pumpkins on the last picture. Mine is the one on the left with Princess Peach, and his is on the right. Check out the pictures :) I know we still have some room for improvements. I'm not even sure if I carved the pumpkins the right way, but it sure looks fine to me so I guess that's all that matters. Is there a certain way you have to carve the pumpkins? I heard you can preserve the pumpkins too, but we didn't do that. Oh well, next year we will. If you have any tips on pumpkin carving please feel free to comment. Anything would help!
How about you? What have you done or planning to do to celebrate this year's Halloween? You can place a comment right at the end of this post. I'd love to hear what you guys have going on :)

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