January 24, 2014


Happy Friday, friends! Today I am linking up with Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha for 5 ON FRIDAY. Check out their blog :) and come link up with us! These are my five:

ONE - I am seriously debating if I should switch to Wordress.org, but I can't decide on a domain name and where to host my blog. Bluehost? Any suggestion guys? Theopulentowl.com is not available. Does this mean I should change my blog name? I am thinking of just using my name(Jasam Caldwell) as my blog name but I'm just not sure...ugh

TWO - If you blog about your weekend, consider joining us on Weekend Highlights every Monday. Just blog anything about your weekend, and link up. Blog about what you did, where you went, what you bought, what you ate, etc. It's that easy!

Weekend Highlights

THREE - The binder I ordered finally came in the mail. I am putting my 2014 Planner. I will show you guys next week! Are you doing something to stay organized this year?

FOUR - I found this list of Baby's First Year Senses & Motor skills here. It's nice to see what milestones babies are supposed to be doing so I can keep track and check as Maylee grows up :)

FIVE - I am starting a new series starting next Wednesday. I am totally reminiscing our wedding day since Valentine's Day is on its way! I will be posting all about our wedding--getting ready, the ceremony, the reception, and all the details like my dress, my shoes, my something blue--so look out for those posts!

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